What does courage mean to you?
Courage could mean something different to everyone, although common themes would occur.
In context of Kokoda Youth Foundation, it means a number of things:
- Taking an active interest in the history of Kokoda, reflecting on the courage and bravery of our soldiers.
- Standing out from the crowd and wanting to make a difference to your life, and to that of others.
- Registering to compete in Kokoda Challenge, and crossing the start line on event day.
- Taking a leap of faith at Camp Kokoda, plunging off the side of a mountain or participating in a range of the adrenaline fueled activities.
Experiencing an act of courage, or being courageous will push you outside of your comfort zone, it scares you but you do it any way.
It is continuing to do something, when all you want to do is stop.
It's about being brave even in the face of potential failure.
It provides you with memories to last a lifetime, stories to tell and experiences.
Courage will provide you adventures, opportunities and special moments - make the most of it and make it count.