For Ange and Kevin, the Kokoda Challenge plays a very special part of their love story.
After meeting in September 2015, Ange put Kevin to absolute test by signing him up to be a part of her Support Crew Team for the July 2016 Kokoda Challenge.
Through the mud and hard times, Ange and her team made it through the Challenge and to the finish line of that year.
Fast forward to 2018, the couple buy some land together and then decide it is Kevin's turn to tackle the big 96km - this time with Ange as a part of the Support Crew Team.
Struggling in the last 10kms of the track, the love between the pair got him to the finish line - where he proposed to Ange.
With the Kokoda Challenge featuring in key memories throughout the couples' relationship, they wanted to give back and put their hands up to volunteer at the 2019 Gold Coast Kokoda Challenge. Joined by their beautiful pooch, you would have seen them at the Multiplex bridge heading into Hardy's Way in Mudgeeraba.
To bring this event full circle, this beautful couple tied the knot last weekend!
All of us from the Kokoda Youth Foundation want to wish Kev and Ange all the very best and thank them for their support, dedication and experiences - we do love a good love story!
If you have a Kokoda Story you would like to share with us, email