Kokoda Challenge Youth Program volunteer leaders are ready to hit the ground running after completing preparatory training for the program.
Kokoda Youth Foundation CEO Matt Helmers said a big thank you went to Scott Whimpey (First Aid Accident & Emergency) for providing first aid and emergency response training over the weekend.
"We have been fortunate enough to have Scott's engaging training empowering our leaders to fulfill their duty of care while changing the lives of young Australians," he said.
He also extended thanks to the 16 youth leaders involved this year.
"It was uplifting to see the extent of the committment they are making over the 14 months to facilitate our youth program," he said.
"The KCYP would not be possible without them."
With training complete, the leaders are looking forward to commencing the program with the 2019 'Kokoda Kids' this Sunday.
Pictured (L to R): Geoff Stone (GC Leader), Craig Rosenthal (Logan Leader), Jean Teamoke Teao (Logan Group Leader), Bob Newman (Event Operations), Carmen Kirby (Brisbane Leader), Scott Whimpey (Presenter), Stephen Cooke (Tweed Leader), Alesha Pimm (Brisbane Leader), Ellen Kleijn (Tweed Leader), Pip Sutton (Logan Leader) and Djana O’Brien (Logan Leader).
In additioned to those pictured, there are 7 additional leaders taking part in this year's program: Leah Nicol (Brisbane Group Leader), Clare Green (Gold Coast Group Leader), Holly Mirfield (Gold Coast), Leanne Bradshaw (Gold Coast), Gerry Lo Faro (Brisbane), Ben Rankin (Tweed Group Leader) and Simon Graham (Tweed).
2019 KCYP Leaders during their hike to Mt Bellamy at Camp Kokoda during induction