Team Building Activities Gold Coast: Are You Up For The Kokoda Challenge?

24 Jan 2024
hikers undertaking the kokoda challenge, an epic team building activity on the gold coast
The Kokoda Challenge on the Gold Coast isn't just another team-building activity; it's an epic test of endurance, grit, and resolve. This gruelling challenge invites teams to not only bond but also face some of the steepest climbs and toughest conditions in Australia, all while honouring the spirit and sacrifice of our WWII veterans.
Two women trail running through the Gold Coast Hinterland for The Kokoda Challenge event



Four person team hiking the 48km Gold Coast Kokoda Challenge event



Four person team hiking the 96km Gold Coast Kokoda Challenge through Canungra



Embrace the Challenge: The Kokoda Spirit Awaits

As you gather on the Gold Coast's rugged terrains, be prepared to tackle unforgiving inclines, endure long, cold nights, and navigate through physical and mental exhaustion. This is where teams are truly tested, and legends are born. With options of 30, 48, or the formidable 96 km course, every step is a testament to your grit and determination, mirroring the resilience shown by our Diggers in 1942.

Experience the Weight of History and Honour

Before you take on the Kokoda Challenge, Doug Henderson, founder of The Kokoda Challenge, immerses you in the history of the 1942 Kokoda Campaign. As you traverse the demanding trails, each blister and drop of sweat honours the enduring legacy of those who fought for our freedom. And when you finally cross that finish line, the dog tags you receive are not just symbols of completion but badges of honour, reflecting the agony and ecstasy of your incredible journey - and believe us when we say you’ll feel like you earned them! 

Why Choose The Kokoda Challenge for Corporate Team Building on the Gold Coast?

In the corporate world, resilience and unity are crucial. The Kokoda Challenge offers a unique team building opportunity for corporate teams to push past what they think they’re capable of, embracing a journey filled with deep challenges and epic triumphs. It's an unparalleled experience, forging unbreakable bonds and instilling a deep sense of achievement in every team that takes part.

The Ultimate Team Building Adventure on the Gold Coast

The Kokoda Challenge is about more than endurance; it's about pushing your limits and facing adversity head-on. It's a potent mix of history, heart, and hardcore teamwork, making it the ultimate team building activity on the Gold Coast. Are your team members ready to face this ultimate test of spirit and strength? Register today and you’ll find out! 

Ready for the Ultimate Kokoda Challenge?

The Kokoda Challenge takes in teams that are ready to embrace its demanding nature. It's more than a physical journey; it's an emotional and historical odyssey. Are you prepared to conquer the toughest team endurance event in Australia? Sign up today and take the first step towards this legendary experience.


Why is The Kokoda Challenge a top choice for team building on the Gold Coast?

  • The Kokoda Challenge is the epitome of endurance and teamwork, pushing teams beyond their limits while fostering a deep connection to our nation's history.

Is the 96km challenge available on the Gold Coast?

  • Yes, the Gold Coast hosts the epic 96 km Kokoda Challenge, offering the most demanding and rewarding experience for teams seeking the ultimate test.

What makes The Kokoda Challenge ideal for corporate teams?

  • It's about more than just fostering teamwork; it's about instilling perseverance, respect, and unity in the participants, all important values in the corporate world.

Is The Kokoda Challenge suitable for all experience levels?

  • The Kokoda Challenge really is a challenge and is designed for teams ready to embrace adversity. A moderate fitness level is recommended, but the real victory lies in teamwork and overcoming obstacles together.